If you have a requirment to delete a folder, you may go first and give a try with API RemoveDirectory(). And you may not be happy with the fact that RemoveDirectory() deletes only an empty directory. The RemoveDirectory() marks a directory for deletion on close. Therefore, the directory is not removed until the last handle to the directory is closed. If you want to delete a directory with RemoveDirectory(), you may need to delete the folder contents recursively each level inside the
folder to be deleted. If you come up with such a situation to delete a folder and all its contents don't spend your time with recursive logic, go for shell function SHFileOperation() with which you can Copy, move, rename, or delete a file system object. For Deleting the folder (which is not empty), below function can be used.
// csDeleteFolderPath_i - Path of the folder to be deleted
bool DeleteFolder( const CString& csDeleteFolderPath_i )
// Making the directory name double null terminated
int nFolderPathLen = csDeleteFolderPath_i.GetLength();
TCHAR *pszFrom = new TCHAR[nFolderPathLen + 2];
_tcscpy(pszFrom, csDeleteFolderPath_i);
pszFrom[nFolderPathLen] = 0;
pszFrom[++nFolderPathLen] = 0;
SHFILEOPSTRUCT stSHFileOpStruct = {0};
// Delete operation
stSHFileOpStruct.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
// Folder name as double null terminated string
stSHFileOpStruct.pFrom = pszFrom;
// Do not prompt the user
// Delete operation can be undo (to recycle bin)
stSHFileOpStruct.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO;
//Check for any operation is aborted
stSHFileOpStruct.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
int nFileDeleteOprnRet = SHFileOperation( &stSHFileOpStruct );
delete []pszFrom;
if( 0 != nFileDeleteOprnRet )
// Failed deletion
return false;
// Deletion was successfull
return true;
Please note that you can customize the file operation with a numerous options set to SHFILEOPSTRUCT object which inturn pass to the SHFileOperation().
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Thanks Buddy,
I just can't understand how you people so cool to post such useful things. It makes life lot esier for other guys like me.
Very useful! Thank you.
Exactly. Thank you. :D
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