Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Renaming file/folder with empty name or funny symbols

You may have tried renaming a file/folder with empty name but windows will never allow it. Here is a way to rename your folder.

1. Right click the file/folder and select Properties.
2. In the Properties dialog take General tab and delete the current name.
3. Keep the cursor in the name box, Press down Alt key and press 255 (from number pad)
4. Now press OK, selected file/folders name will be changed to empty.
5. If you use other combination such as 256, 257 etc with Alt key it will result in creating funny symbols as name of the file/folder.

I tell you there is a blank icon available with WINDOWS for setting blank icon for a folder. In the Customize tab, click Change Icon... and you can select empty icon and press Ok.

1 comment:

Stockton Calls said...

great tips mate , keep em coming